Posts Tagged ‘babies and newborns’


Shemot 5775: In Praise of Adoption

Posted on: January 8th, 2015 by Alden

Cousin Kid Group HugExodus begins with extraordinary examples of care for children: midwives Shiphrah and Puah refuse Pharoah’s order to kill newborn males; then, Moses is adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter and nursed by his birth-mother. This week’s Torah prayer praises adoption. It’s the second in a new series on adoption that will appear in my forthcoming book Prayers for Healing the World. Optional language is shown in [brackets] and word choices are identified with a slash (/). Here’s my prayer “To Adopt a Child.”

In Praise of Adoption
G-d of Mercy,
Source of love and shelter,
Bless those who have taken children as their own,
Into their lives, into their homes,
With compassion and care,
Healing the world one small soul at a time.
Bless their lives with wisdom and strength,
Kindness and care,
So their children will be nurtured,
Protected and educated,
With joy and wonder.
Bless these families with health and safety,
Happiness and well-being.

Source of Life,
Bless those who hope to adopt,
Those who have waited
With anticipation [and with disappointment]
As the adoption process moves slowly, step-by-step.
Let the loving hand of adoption bring their lives
The richness of [family/a growing family],
The joys and challenges of parenting.
Bless, too, those who work and advocate
For children and for adoption.
May their energy and effort
Be a source of healing.

Father of the fatherless,
Mother of the motherless,
We are all Your children.
Watch over children and youth still waiting for families,
Still in need of hope and shelter,
And bring them speedily to a home of love and care.
Let Your light shine upon them.
Let Your mercy heal them.
Look with special favor on the children who
Are often left behind: orphans of war,
Children with special needs,
Youths and teens, children of color.

Holy One,
Bring the day when all children will know
The love of parents and the joy of family.
For wholeness.
For healing.
For peace.

© 2015 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Here’s a link to the prayer I posted for Shemot 5773, “Finding G-d.” Nine pregnancy and fertility prayers appear in Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing, including: “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Other prayers about family include: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.

Please consider making a contribution to support this site and my writing. For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. Please take a moment to explore my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

Photo Source: Adoptive Families Circle

Trouble during Pregnancy (for both Mother and Child)

Posted on: March 13th, 2014 by Alden

ultrasoundThis prayer is to be said by a pregnant woman when, G-d forbid, medical concerns arise during her pregnancy. Contrast it with this prayer to be said “When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women).” This new prayer is for specific moments of medical danger, while both of the high-risk pregnancy prayers – including one to be said by men — are general: they are meant to be said before specific medical issues manifest in the pregnancy. Options for personalizing the prayer appear in [brackets].

Trouble during Pregnancy (for both Mother and Child)
G-d of old,
I call out to you in my distress.
The child I carry is in danger.
So am I.
Our lives,
So connected, so dependent,
[May be / Are / Appear to be] in danger.

Save this child
So that a baby comes to me in the fullness of health.
Preserve my life,
So that I may continue this journey of motherhood
To nurture and guide [him / her / a baby / another generation]
In the light of Your wisdom and Your ways.
Grant my doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill
To see us through this treacherous time.
Grant us the fullness of love
And the fullness of years.
We are in Your hands.

Blessed are You, Source of life.

© 2014 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Eight prayers on pregnancy and fertility appear in my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing, although this is not one of them. They include a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment, another for a man in fertility treatment and one to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” Others include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” This is a Prayer “For Adoption.”

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. If you like this prayer, please post a link to Facebook, your blog or mention it in a tweet.

Photo Source: Perinatal Services BC

Waiting for Fertility Test Results

Posted on: January 7th, 2014 by Alden

fertility-test-tubes1This is a prayer to be said by an individual waiting for fertility test results. It is one of several prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. The intent is to create a feeling of space in a moment of uncertainty, compared with prayers to be said by a woman in fertility treatment and by a man in fertility treatment, which reflect the yearning for a child, along with a prayer to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” Here are prayers to be said “When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed,” one for women and one for men. All of these prayers appear in my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

Waiting for Fertility Test Results
Ancient One,
G-d of hope,
This moment is familiar
And this moment is new.
This waiting. This hoping. This praying.
What will the news bring?
What decisions will I face?
How will I cope in the days ahead?

Bless me with the gift of a child,
With the gift of generations,
With the gift of love.

G-d of Old,
Grant me the wisdom to be gentle with myself
In these hours of uncertainty.
Bless me with courage and wisdom,
With patience and understanding.
Show me the grace and insight to use this time as a moment of rest,
Perhaps to find a well of gratitude
For the gifts You have already given.
Surround me with Your warmth.
Cradle me in Your care.

Blessed are You,
Source of life.

© 2014 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please consider purchasing my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. If you like this prayer, please post a link to Facebook, your blog or mention it in a tweet.

Photo Source: Healthista

To Adopt a Child

Posted on: November 19th, 2013 by Alden

struggle-part-of-storyThis is a prayer to be used by those seeking to adopt a child. It’s a new prayer in the general theme of the journey to parenthood. Nine pregnancy and fertility prayers appear in my forthcoming book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing. The choices for customizing this prayer an attempt to recognize a wide variety of family circumstances in adoption, such as: singles, gay couples and families that already have children. Word choices are identified with a slash (/) and optional lines are shown in [brackets].

To Adopt a Child
Ancient One,
G-d of hope,
How I/we yearn for a/another child!
I/We have prayed,
I/We have cried,
I/We have shown my/our sorrow to heaven,
[As I/we moved through fertility treatments],
As I/we strive to be called mother/father/mother and father
To a child,
A shining light of Your creation.

G-d of Old,
Grant me/us the wisdom to be gentle with myself/ourselves
In time of longing.
Bless me/us with courage and wisdom,
With patience and with understanding.
[Bless my/our children with a deep sense of my/our abiding love.]
Let me/us feel Your divine presence in these hours of waiting,
These days of hoping,
These months, perhaps years, of praying.

Bless me/us with a child,
With the gift of generations,
With the gift of love,
So that I/we may become a well of gifts
For a precious child, a soul in need.

Blessed are You, Source of life.
Hear this prayer.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Here are related prayers regarding pregnancy and fertility: “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Here are others about family: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.

Please consider making a contribution to support this site and my writing. For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. Please take a moment to explore my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

Photo Source: Mommy Run Fast

When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (men)

Posted on: September 29th, 2013 by tobendlight

2nd-trim-fetusThis is a prayer to be said by a man whose partner has a high-risk pregnancy. It is the companion prayer to “When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women).” Both prayers include an optional phrase for a multiple pregnancy, shown in [brackets]. This is one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. Here’s a link to a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment, another for a man in fertility treatment and one to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” I’ve already posted a general prayer for pregnancy and two others for use after the loss of a pregnancy. This series of prayers will appear in my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (men)
Source of Life,
With joy and celebration,
With hope and gratitude,
With care and caution,
Knowing the risks and challenges ahead,
I/We pause to give thanks
For this pregnancy,
This potential for new life.

Grant our doctors wisdom
And my [wife/partner/spouse] strength
So that I may know
The holiness, radiance and light,
Of bringing life,
And the joy and wonder of fatherhood.

God of love,
Grant me/us [this child/these children]
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
The gift of generations,
A gift of glory beyond measure.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. Connect with To Bend Light on Facebook and on Twitter.

Photo Source: UPMC Magee-Womens

When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women)

Posted on: July 24th, 2013 by tobendlight

high-risk-pregnancy_78021567_s300x300This is a prayer to be said by a woman with a high-risk pregnancy. An optional phrase, for a multiple pregnancy, is shown in [brackets]. In the coming weeks I’ll post a new prayer for the spouse or partner to say when a high-risk pregnancy is confirmed. This is one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. Here’s a link to a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment, another for a man in fertility treatment and one to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” I’ve already posted a general prayer for pregnancy and two others for use after the loss of a pregnancy. This series of prayers appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women)
Source of Life,
With joy and celebration,
With hope and gratitude,
With care and caution,
Knowing the risks and challenges ahead,
I/We pause to give thanks
For this pregnancy,
This potential for new life.

Grant my doctors wisdom
And my body strength
So that I may know the holiness and wonder,
The radiance and light,
Of carrying life and giving birth,
And the joy of motherhood.

God of love,
Grant me/us [this child/these children]
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
The gift of generations,
A gift of glory beyond measure.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here. Please consider purchasing a copy of my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. If you like this prayer, please post a link to Facebook, your blog or mention it in a tweet.

Photo Source: Life123

To a Spouse/Partner During Fertility Treatments

Posted on: June 2nd, 2013 by tobendlight

babyThis is a prayer to be said to – and with – your spouse or partner as fertility treatments progress. Optional phrases are shown in [brackets]. This is one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. Here’s a link to a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment and another for a man in fertility treatment. Other prayers in this series will include: waiting for pregnancy test results and confirmation of a high-risk pregnancy. I’ve already posted a general prayer for pregnancy and two others for use after the loss of a pregnancy. This prayer appears in my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

To a Spouse/Partner During Fertility Treatments
My darling,
Dear _________________ [name],
Our journey has been long
In the name of joy,
In the name of creating a family,
In the name of becoming parents.
We have prayed,
We have cried,
And we have shown our sorrow to heaven.

G-d of compassion,
Grant us the wisdom to be gentle with ourselves
And with each other
In these hours of [sorrow and] hope,
In these days of [fear and] uncertainty.
Show us the path to gratitude,
For the gift of our lives,
And our seasons together,
So that we may become a well
Of comfort and support for each other.

G-d of creation,
Mother of life,
Father of the universe,
Bless us with the gift of a child,
With the gift of generations,
With the gift of love.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” Please consider purchasing my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please .subscribe. You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter. If you like this prayer, please post a link to Facebook, your blog or mention it in a tweet.

Photo Source:

For Fertility Treatment (Men)

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 by tobendlight

male_infertility_imThis is a prayer to be said by a man who is beginning or continuing fertility treatment. It’s one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. Here’s a link to a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment. Other prayers in this series will include: waiting for pregnancy test results and confirmation of a high-risk pregnancy. I’ve already posted a general prayer for pregnancy and two for use after the loss of a pregnancy. These prayers will appear in my forthcoming book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

For Fertility Treatment (Men)
G-d of our fathers,
G-d of generations,
How strange is this feeling?
How odd to hear that
My body and my seed are weak,
That I need medical help to fulfill my duty,
My honor, my joy,
Of partnership in creating a child.

Rock of Ages,
Grant me courage and fortitude
As I begin/continue fertility treatments.
Grant my doctors wisdom
And my body strength,
So that I my know the wonder of fatherhood,
The holiness, radiance and light
Of bringing life.
Grant me/us a child
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
With awe and thanksgiving,
With gratitude and humility,
In service to Your Holy Name.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.

If you use this prayer, please click “like” on this page and subscribe. Please take a moment to post a link to your Facebook page, your blog or mention it in a tweet. Thanks. For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!

Photo Credit: ISIS Regional Fertility Center

For Fertility Treatment (Women)

Posted on: March 10th, 2013 by tobendlight

Davies Fertility LogoThis is a prayer for use by a woman beginning or continuing fertility treatments. It’s one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. In coming weeks look for prayers on waiting for pregnancy test results and on confirmation of a high-risk pregnancy. I’ve already posted a prayer for a man in fertility treatment, a general prayer for pregnancy and two for use after the loss of a pregnancy. These prayers will appear in my forthcoming book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

For Fertility Treatment (Women)
G-d of Mercy,
I have prayed,
I have cried,
I have shown my sorrow to heaven,
In the name of fulfilling Your command,
In the name of fulfilling my birthright.
Vessel of life.
Vessel of love.
Source of joy.
Source of generations.

Rock of Ages,
Has my body betrayed me?
Are my hopes and dreams
Empty, barren, lost?
Grant me courage and fortitude
As I begin/continue fertility treatments.
Grant my doctors wisdom
And my body strength,
So that I my know the holiness and wonder,
The radiance and light,
Of carrying life and giving birth,
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
With awe and thanksgiving,
With gratitude and humility,
In service to Your Holy Name.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.

If you use this prayer, please click “like” on this page and subscribe. Please take a moment to post a link to your Facebook page, your blog or mention it in a tweet. Thanks. For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!

Photo Credit: California IVF: Davies Fertility Center

For Pregnancy

Posted on: January 13th, 2013 by tobendlight

ph_pregnant_woman_purpleThis is a simple prayer for pregnancy. It’s one of eight new prayers on pregnancy and fertility. It appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing. Note: One optional line appears in [brackets]. See also: “When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed.”

For Pregnancy
G-d of our mothers,
My yearning is as old as creation,
As old as love,
As old as life.

Bless my body with the wonders of pregnancy
And my days with the promise of birth.
Bless my heart with the gift of a child,
And my soul with the gift of hope,
The gift of generations.

G-d of Mercy,
My yearning is as fresh as dew,
Ripe with longing,
Ripe with desire.
Hear my voice.
[Hear my grief.]
Hear my prayer.

Blessed are You,
Source of life.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

See also: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For prayers about family, click here.

If you use this prayer, please click “like” on this page and subscribe. Please take a moment to post a link to your Facebook page, your blog or mention it in a tweet. Thanks. For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!

Photo Credit: Baby World

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