This is a prayer to be said by a woman with a high-risk pregnancy. An optional phrase, for a multiple pregnancy, is shown in [brackets]. In the coming weeks I’ll post a new prayer for the spouse or partner to say when a high-risk pregnancy is confirmed. This is one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. Here’s a link to a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment, another for a man in fertility treatment and one to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” I’ve already posted a general prayer for pregnancy and two others for use after the loss of a pregnancy. This series of prayers appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.
When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women)
Source of Life,
With joy and celebration,
With hope and gratitude,
With care and caution,
Knowing the risks and challenges ahead,
I/We pause to give thanks
For this pregnancy,
This potential for new life.
Grant my doctors wisdom
And my body strength
So that I may know the holiness and wonder,
The radiance and light,
Of carrying life and giving birth,
And the joy of motherhood.
God of love,
Grant me/us [this child/these children]
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
The gift of generations,
A gift of glory beyond measure.
© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here. Please consider purchasing a copy of my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.
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Photo Source: Life123
Tags: babies and newborns, bless me with a baby, fertility prayer, God help me to get pregnant, healthy baby prayer, men-pray-for-fertility, prayer for my partner to get pregnant, prayer for my wife to get pregnant, pregnancy prayer, risky pregnancy prayer, women pray for fertility