Trouble during Pregnancy (for both Mother and Child)

ultrasoundThis prayer is to be said by a pregnant woman when, G-d forbid, medical concerns arise during her pregnancy. Contrast it with this prayer to be said “When a High-Risk Pregnancy is Confirmed (women).” This new prayer is for specific moments of medical danger, while both of the high-risk pregnancy prayers – including one to be said by men — are general: they are meant to be said before specific medical issues manifest in the pregnancy. Options for personalizing the prayer appear in [brackets].

Trouble during Pregnancy (for both Mother and Child)
G-d of old,
I call out to you in my distress.
The child I carry is in danger.
So am I.
Our lives,
So connected, so dependent,
[May be / Are / Appear to be] in danger.

Save this child
So that a baby comes to me in the fullness of health.
Preserve my life,
So that I may continue this journey of motherhood
To nurture and guide [him / her / a baby / another generation]
In the light of Your wisdom and Your ways.
Grant my doctors and nurses the wisdom and skill
To see us through this treacherous time.
Grant us the fullness of love
And the fullness of years.
We are in Your hands.

Blessed are You, Source of life.

© 2014 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Eight prayers on pregnancy and fertility appear in my new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing, although this is not one of them. They include a prayer to be said by a woman in fertility treatment, another for a man in fertility treatment and one to be said “To a Spouse/Partner during Fertility Treatments.” Others include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” This is a Prayer “For Adoption.”

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Photo Source: Perinatal Services BC

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