This is a prayer for use by a woman beginning or continuing fertility treatments. It’s one of several new prayers on pregnancy, both the joys and the potential challenges. In coming weeks look for prayers on waiting for pregnancy test results and on confirmation of a high-risk pregnancy. I’ve already posted a prayer for a man in fertility treatment, a general prayer for pregnancy and two for use after the loss of a pregnancy. These prayers will appear in my forthcoming book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.
For Fertility Treatment (Women)
G-d of Mercy,
I have prayed,
I have cried,
I have shown my sorrow to heaven,
In the name of fulfilling Your command,
In the name of fulfilling my birthright.
Vessel of life.
Vessel of love.
Source of joy.
Source of generations.
Rock of Ages,
Has my body betrayed me?
Are my hopes and dreams
Empty, barren, lost?
Grant me courage and fortitude
As I begin/continue fertility treatments.
Grant my doctors wisdom
And my body strength,
So that I my know the holiness and wonder,
The radiance and light,
Of carrying life and giving birth,
In the fullness of health,
In the fullness of joy,
With awe and thanksgiving,
With gratitude and humility,
In service to Your Holy Name.
© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Other prayers in this series include “For Pregnancy,” “Loss of Pregnancy” and “Loss of Pregnancy (Husband/Partner).” Please also see: “On the Birth of a Child” and “On the Birth of Grandchildren.” For more prayers about family, click here.
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Photo Credit: California IVF: Davies Fertility Center
Tags: babies and newborns, bless me with a baby, fertility prayer, God help me to get pregnant, IVF prayer, prayer for my partner to get pregnant, prayer for my wife to get pregnant, preg, pregnancy prayer, prgnanacy prayer, women pray for fertility