This is place of spiritual intent, a place of prayer and blessing.
Light is a universal metaphor for Divine energy, a symbol for holiness, truth, radiance, eminence, love. To pray is to summon Divine light into our lives. To bless is an attempt summon that light and then to bend it toward holy purpose, including consolation, joy and healing. Communion is the attempt to journey into the light of holiness, awe and wonder. And so, prayer is an act of summoning light. Blessing is an act of bending light. Communion is the act of entering light.
My prayer poetry covers topics ranging from the changing seasons to the grief of children, from the joy of song to the hope of healing. Some sound like poems, others echo the psalms, some are poetic midrashim, but they all come from that place inside that yearns for connection to G-d. These blessings come from a profoundly Jewish heart and, yet, they resonate broadly among people of spiritual intent.
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