With unbound enthusiasm for Torah and prayer, I am a passionate teacher / preacher / poet. I love reading my prayer poems in Shabbat t’fillah, adding my voice to yours and the siddur. Using poetry to teach Torah is another passion. Inspiring personal connection to prayer is yet another. Let’s brainstorm together what fits for your congregation. Adult learning. Teen sessions. Prayer experiences. Poetry reading. Prayer poetry from Israel. Email me at alden@tobendlight.com. Here are testimonials from rabbis, educators and scholars.
Ideas to Get You Thinking
As an Israeli-American poet liturgist, I’ve written more than 40 prayer poems since Oct. 7. Bring me to your congregation — in person or by zoom — to share my personal memoir in poetry. My multi-part prayer and holiday programs are perfect for zoom: “Treasures of T’fillah,” “Mysteries of the Machzor,” and “Subversive Seder.” Other programs include: “The Act and Action of Prayer,” “Hallelujah: The Biblical Basis of Prayer,” “Six-Word Siddur: Finding Essential Prayers, “Writing Gratitude,” and “Spiritual Street Smarts.” And when your congregation comes to Israel, add me to the program. I lead spirituality hikes and participate in creating Shabbat experiences. Reach out to me at alden@tobendlight.com and ask me to send the full descriptions.
Ways to Make it Happen
Liturgist-in-residence – Custom programs ranging from a focused weekend event to a year-long series of activities, including readings, adult workshops, youth programs and worship. Residencies are co-created, based both on my current teaching interests and the areas of excitement and interest of the congregation and clergy.
Prayer Workshops – Sessions for adults and youth to deepen the personal connection and understanding of prayer. Recent workshops include: “Prayers the Rabbis Never Imagined,” “Finding Excitement in Prayer” and “Tension and Intention in Prayer.”
Writing Workshops – Sessions that encourage the creation and expression of prayer and spiritually-based writing of all kinds. Formats include classroom, workshop, collaborative learning and master-classes.
Readings – Programs combining prayers with original short fiction, tailored to the setting, time of year and spirit of the event. One unique approach to teaching Torah, with my “Prayer Drash” I use poetry and prayer to bring out themes and insights from sacred texts.
Commissioned liturgy – Prayers commissioned for private or synagogue use, such as a dedication or special anniversary. Credits include: “On Spiritual Service,” written for the installation of Andrea London as the senior rabbi at Beth Emet.
Artistic collaboration – Projects developed jointly with other artists, such as musicians, singers, songwriters, dancers and graphic artists. Recent projects include an Oct. 7 song called “Nothing Left but Tears,” created with singer/songwriter Sue Radner Horowitz. Other projects include new High Holiday chazanut with Cantor Erin Frankel and AJ Luca resulting in two music videos. projects include music with Rabbi Larry Karol and “Three Prayers” a combination of my prayers with cello music by Desiree Miller and dance choreographed and performed by Lin Kahn performed at Jerusalem’s First Station.
Contact Information
Let’s get started! Drop me a note at alden@tobendlight.com.