This new meditation is a reminder, a reminder that G-d gave us each gifts that are amazing beyond imagination: our souls, our bodies and our ability to bring holiness into the world. It can be used as a kavanah before prayer or engaging in a spiritual practice, such as yoga, or can be used as a reminder of our gifts from G-d before performing an act of tikkun olam, an act to better the world. This meditation will appear in my forthcoming book, Prayers for Healing the World.
Sacred Cargo
You carry sacred cargo within,
Your ruach, your nefesh, your neshama,
The spirit and breath of holiness,
Given to you by the One,
The Source,
Hakodesh Habarachu,
Blessed be G-d’s holy name.
You carry sacred cargo within,
Your heart, your lungs, your blood,
The vitality of holiness,
Given to you by the One,
The Source,
Hakodesh Habarachu,
Blessed be G-d’s holy name.
You carry sacred cargo within,
Your hands, your voice, your strength,
The instruments of holiness,
Given to you by the One,
The Source,
Hakodesh Habarachu,
Blessed be G-d’s holy name.
© 2014 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: I also have several pieces specifically designed as yoga meditations, including: “Breath: Yoga Meditation I,” “Strong: Yoga Meditation II” and “Pray and…: Yoga Meditation III.” If you like this meditation, you may also like “Come Walk,” “Bird is Bird” and “Leaving.”
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