Another song of the spiritual traveler, whose secret hope is for you to feel the light, to hear the light, to know the light, to become the light. This piece appears in This Precious Life: Encountering the Divine with Poetry and Prayer from CCAR Press.
Inside the Light
A rainbow shines
Inside the light.
If you could be the dew drop
You would always see it.
Stillness waits
Inside the light.
If you could be the sky
You would always feel it.
The sunrise dawns
Inside the light.
If you could be the horizon
You would always find it.
Freedom flows
Inside the light.
If you could be the wind
You would always ride it.
Beauty rises
Inside the light.
If you could be the sparrow
You would always reach it.
Mystery pulses
Inside the light.
If you could be the wonder
You would always know it.
Majesty reigns
Inside the light.
If you could be the wisdom
You would always hear it.
Faith rests
Inside the light.
If you could be the eagle
You would always hold it.
Your soul glows
Inside the light.
If you could be yourself
You would never leave it.
© 2021 CCAR Press from This Precious Life: Encountering the Divine with Poetry and Prayer
Postscript: I wrote this on the airplane from Chicago to Newark on my way to Israel to make aliyah in 2012. Other songs of the spiritual traveler include: “Come Walk,” “Bird is Bird,” “River,” “Soarbird” and “I am Breathing.”
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