Here’s a list of prayers for Sukkot with brief descriptions, divided by topic: “Joy,” “Harvest Season” and “Sukkah: Physical home, Spiritual home.” To read a prayer, click on the title. If you read only one of them, go for “Beauty Dances,” but this is a lovely list. Try a few. Here are prayers for Simchat Torah.
Sukkot is z’man simchateinu, the time of our rejoicing:
- Rejoice! – A prayer/poem about embodying joy
- For Joy – About finding joy in the face of loss
- Let Joy – Awake to the joy around you
Harvest Season
Prayers of thanks for G-d’s gifts:
- For Autumn – A prayer for the new season
- Harvest Prayer – For the gifts of the land
- This Bounty – A prayer of thanksgiving
- Life as a Banquet – Rejoice in the banquet of life
- Life as a Garden – Tending the beauty of hearts and souls
Sukkah: Physical Home, Spiritual Home
Prayers about the meaning of home:
- The Season of Building – Tents of holiness, shelters of peace
- Dwelling Place – A sense of home and peace
- Beauty Dances – Beauty dances and love sings for Sukkat Shalom
- The Way Home – The journey home
- Israel: A Meditation – Israel, our people, our nation, our home
Click here for the full list of prayers for the Yamim Noraim. Here’s a focused list of prayers for Elul, another one of prayers for Rosh Hashana and one of prayers for Yom Kippur. And here’s a link to yizkor and memorial prayers.
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Please check out my ELItalk video, “Falling in Love with Prayer,” and This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day. For reprint permissions and usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” To receive my latest prayers via email, please subscribe (on the home page). You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo Source: Alden Solovy; this was my 5774 (2013) Sukkah.