The High Holiday Vidui – the Jewish confessional prayer – contains a broad list of transgressions. This meditation suggests that the greatest sin of all is failure to create the conditions in our hearts and in our lives that lead to love of each other and service to G-d. The idea: if we engage always in these acts, there is no room for sin. In other words, the greatest transgression is to carelessly allow the conditions for sin to take root. See also: “Meditation Before the Yom Kippur Vidui”and “Meditation After the Yom Kippur Vidui.”
The Greatest Sin
The greatest sin
Is not to see
The miracle of each new day
Or to fill our days with hope
And love.
The greatest sin
Is not to see
The miracle of each new breath
Or to fill each breath with joy
And service.
The roots of sin
Are hatred and idle hands.
The roots of holiness
Are love and work.
G-d of wisdom,
Grant me the ability
To see the flow of miracles around me,
In awe and wonder,
So that I become of vessel of Your glory,
And an instrument of Your holy name.
Then, I will rejoice,
Rededicating my life to You,
With prayer
And with deeds of loving-kindness.
© 2014 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Here are links to prayers for Elul, prayers for Rosh Hashana, prayers for Yom Kippur and prayers for Sukkot. Here’s a link to yizkor and memorial prayers.
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Photo Source: Temple Beth Elohim
Tags: Day of Atonement, Elul, healing, High Holy Days, New Year, prayers for Elul, redemption, renewal, repentence, return, righteousness, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, t'shuva, Torah, tzedukah, Yamim Noraim, Yom Kippur