For Travel

I carry a laminated copy of Tifilat Haderech, the Traveler’s Prayer, in my suitcase. There are some seemingly antiquated references in it, such as the request for protection against wild beasts. The night that bears visited my camp site at Mowich Lake near Mount Rainier, the reference suddenly made perfect sense. With vacation season about to begin, here’s another way to ask G-d for safe travel. And if you like outdoor adventure, check out my prayer for being “On the Trail.” To listen along as you read. click on the triangle in the bar below. The text follows.


For Travel
G-d who watches over us,
Watch over this journey.
Keep us free from affliction and strife,
Safe from danger and wrong doing,
Protected in Your loving sight.
May we know strength and good fortune on the way,
Rest and peace upon our return.
May this travel be blessed with the shelter of Your gentle arms,
The guidance of Your mighty hand,
The gift of Your countless blessings.

Bless our moments apart,
Bless our moments together.
Grace upon departure,
Joy upon return.
Remembering to praise and bless
Your Holy Name
Wherever You lead us.

© 2010 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: My other traveler’s prayers include: “On the Road,” “On the Trail” and “Being Lost.” “On the Trail” is one of my favorites.

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