Here are prayers that can be used as part of a Veterans Day commemoration, along with brief descriptions. The first three–“Veterans Day Prayer,” “To the Soldier, To the Veteran” and “The Last Soldier”–were written to be read individually or together as a three-prayer liturgy. The other prayers are also appropriate for a commemoration. To read a prayer, click on the name.
- Veterans Day Prayer – A tribute to U.S. vets
- To the Soldier, To the Veteran – A prayer of honor and healing
- The Last Soldier – A prayer for peace in reverence to soldiers
- In Times of War – For wise national leadership in times of war
- Yizkor (Memorial Prayer) for a Soldier – A memorial for the fallen
Here’s a link to a video of Phil Smith reading “To the Soldier, to the Veteran” at the Elon University Veterans Day Commemoration, November 12, 2012.
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