Posts Tagged ‘survivor of trauma’


Choosing to Heal

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015 by Alden

filling-the-holeSometimes, healing from pain and trauma is a matter of making a choice. Not an easy choice, by any means, but a simple one: to walk with courage and to invite healing to come. It’s a matter of surrender to the possibility of relief from grief and sorrow. And it takes time. May you find the healing you need.

Choosing to Heal
To heal from grief and loss,
Breathe gently into the morning
And walk with courage
Into the new day.
If you want to heal
Choose it, claim it,
Invite healing into your heart.

G-d of our Ancestors,
Rock of Ages,
You have witnessed our sorrows,
You have seen our struggles,
For generations, for millennia,
Since Avraham and Sarah
First headed Your call.
And You have witnessed
Our joys and celebrations
As we wandered the earth,
And when we returned home.

Bring us back.
Bring us back, G-d of Old,
Bring us back to gladness.
Bring us back to love.

© 2015 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Here are other prayers about spiritual healing, including: “R’fuat HaNefesh: Healing the Soul,” “Inviting Healing” and “The Cut that Heals.”

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Photo Source: The Grief Recovery Kit

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