What is prayer? Perhaps it’s an invitation to holiness and healing, bending the light from heaven toward tikkun olam. This is a meditation on prayer, a favorite topic of my work, including: “Prayers of My Heart,” “Whispered Prayer” and “Prayer for You, Prayer for Me.”
Quiet now.
And listen.
Blessings float gently around you.
Your prayers set them free.
Oh, you hidden delight of heaven.
Oh, you secret gift of G-d.
Welcome you majesty and splendor.
Prayers are invitations,
Beckoning holiness and awe,
Radiance and wonder,
To join in this moment,
Summoning compassion and grace,
Healing and hope,
To spread their wings.
Quiet now.
Listen to the blessings from the earth
And the prayers in the wind.
They yearn for you,
Calling out
To join in the chorus.
Breathe and sing out
With your spirit and your voice.
Oh, you hidden delight of heaven.
Oh, you secret gift of G-d.
Welcome you majesty and splendor.
© 2012 Alden Solovy and tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.
Postscript: Other prayers about prayer include: “For Prayer,” “Prayer Released” and “To Pray.”
Please check out my ELItalk video, “Falling in Love with Prayer,” and This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day. For reprint permissions and usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” To receive my latest prayers via email, please subscribe (on the home page). You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo Credit: Sim Global Education