Israel needs rain, so much so that the Chief Rabbinate is calling for the addition of a prayer for rain to daily prayers. Here’s my version of a prayer for rain, reposted in response to this call to action. I’ve added two lines to the second stanza to emphasize the blessings of rain. Please pray for rain where ever it’s needed and especially here in Israel.
For Rain
Source of life and blessings,
The rains come in their seasons
To feed the land, the crops, the gardens.
The earth abundant, food plentiful, gardens lush.
Sweet, clean water, feeding rivers, filling the sea.
Sometimes too much,
Sometimes too little,
Sometimes not at all.
Fountain of Blessing,
Remember us with life,
With beauty,
With the gift of rain,
The gifts of earth and sky,
Prosperity and bounty,
Blessings upon the land,
Each in its time,
Each in its season,
Each in its proper measure.
© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: This prayer first appeared here on December 12, 2010. Other seasonal prayers include: “For Winter,” “For Spring,” “For Summer,” “For Autumn” and “For the New Year.”
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Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons via the Israeli PikiWiki Project