Posts Tagged ‘prayer for New Orleans’


Before the Storm: For Hurricane Isaac

Posted on: August 28th, 2012 by tobendlight

Hurricane Isaac is headed toward New Orleans seven years after Hurricane Katrina hit, also in late August. To listen along, click on the triangle in the bar below. The text follows. For those who’ve already experienced Isaac, see “Safety After Violent Weather,” a version of “After the Storm” revised in the wake of Hurricane Irene.

Before the Storm
G-d of heaven and earth,
Source of All,
The storm [Hurricane Isaac] approaches,
A tribute to the force of creation,
Your power and might.

What chaos will blow with the wind?
What destruction will strike?
Who will suffer? Who will stay secure?

G-d of mystery and awe,
Grant us safety as the tempest [this storm][Isaac] engulfs our homes and our lives.
Protect us. Shield us. Guard us.
Grant peace of mind to those in fear.
Grant food and clothing,
Warmth and shelter to those in need.
Bless emergency and rescue workers with the tools and skills they need
As they risk their lives for the sake of our families, communities and friends.
Grant healing to those who are sick or injured.
Bless us with common sense throughout the squall [the wind, the rain and the tides]
And with kinship and cooperation when the storm [hurricane] passes.

G-d of awe and wonder,
Our Rock and our Refuge,
See us through the gale
And watch us through the night,
For comfort, security and wellbeing,
So that we may serve You in love.

© 2012 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Thanks to friend and supporter Brenda Epstein for suggesting that I post a prayer about Hurricane Isaac. My other weather safety prayers include: “In Devastation,” “For First Responders,” “After the Tornadoes” “Safety After Violent Weather” and “After the Storm.” I used the prayer “For First Responders (to the Earthquake in Haiti)” as the inspiration for a prayer called “Memorial Prayer for 9-11 First Responders.” This prayer was first posted on February 1, 2011.

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