Posts Tagged ‘prayer after beating cancer’


After News of a Clean Biopsy

Posted on: October 9th, 2013 by tobendlight

child-cancer-sucks-most-affordable_designThe results of my third prostate biopsy brought good news yesterday evening, a clean report. This is a quick prayer to be said after receiving the news of a clean biopsy. The tone here is different from my prayer for news of “Cancer Remission,” which recognizes the fight against the disease after a diagnosis and treatment. Of course, this prayer can be used by anyone at any stage of the disease; I wrote it, however, with a pre-diagnosis perspective.

This is the 15th prayer I’ve written to be said at various stages of the disease. I’m not posting them in sequence of the disease process. I posted “For Cancer Treatment” as several of my friends and family members battled their cancers. I posted “Cancer Remission” when my friend David emerged from his knock-down, drag-out fight with the disease. My new book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing, will include 14 prayers to be used at various points along the cancer journey. This one did not make it given the timing. I’m just grateful to have the reason to write it.

After News of a Clean Biopsy
G-d of blessing,
G-d of wholeness,
My biopsy is clean
And I am told, [at least for now,]
That I’m free of _______ [type of cancer suspected: breast, prostate, etc.] cancer.
Thank you for this news.
Thank you for this relief, this joy,
This moment of renewal and celebration.

G-d of life,
Keep me free of this and any cancer.
Grant health and healing to the men and women who are fighting this disease.
Grant comfort, solace and strength to the families of those who have succumbed.
Grant scientists and researchers tools and understanding
To develop new treatments for this and all cancers,
Speedily, in our day.

Blessed are You,
G-d of gifts,
G-d of health and healing,
Source of life.

© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers in this series posted so far include: “For Cancer Treatment,” “Cancer Remission” and “On the Recurrence of Cancer,” as well as two related Hospice Prayers. See also: “For Surgery,” “Upon Recovery from Surgery,” “For a Critically-Ill Child,” “For a Critically-Ill Mother,” “For a Critically Ill Father” and “For Healing the Spirit.” Thanks to the friends and family who assisted with writing the series of cancer prayers. Most asked not to be named. You know who you are. I appreciate your wisdom.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. Connect with To Bend Light on Facebook and on Twitter.

If you use this prayer, please take a moment to post a link to your Facebook page, your blog or mention it in a tweet.

Photo Source: Caffeinated Autism Mom

Cancer Remission

Posted on: July 15th, 2012 by tobendlight

It takes a certain kind of fearlessness to fight the cancer fight. My cousins Marty and Evie had it. So does my friend David Eisenberg, a shining example of courage. David won his battle; Mary z”l and Evie z”l did not. This prayer is for all who have emerged on the other side of the battle.

This is from a series of prayers that I’ve written to be said at various stages of the disease. I’m not posting them in sequence of the disease process. I posted “For Cancer Treatment” when my cousins were diagnosed and two Hospice Prayers when hospice care became their next steps. David’s victory is cause to publish this prayer: for him and everyone fighting this disease. This prayer appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.

Cancer Remission
G-d of blessing,
G-d of wholeness,
My cancer treatment has been successful
And my disease is now in remission.
The battle has been long and arduous.
The fight has taken its toll.
I have faced many traumas in this struggle.
I have received many gifts.

As my body and spirit begin to grow stronger,
I turn my energy toward spiritual and emotional renewal.
Thank you for the knowledge, insight and perseverance
Of my physicians, nurses and caregivers
As they worked toward my healing and recovery.
Thank you for the steadfast support of my family and friends.
Thank you for the gift of recovery.

G-d of life,
Grant me strength.
Keep me free of this and any cancer.
Protect my soul and my spirit.
Grant scientists and researchers tools and understanding
To develop new treatments for this disease, speedily, in our days.

Blessed are You,
G-d of gifts and blessings,
G-d of health and healing,
Source of life.

© 2012 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other healing prayers include: “For Surgery,” “Upon Recovery from Surgery,” “For a Critically-Ill Child,” “For a Critically-Ill Mother,” “For a Critically Ill Father” and “For Healing the Spirit.” Thanks to the friends and family who assisted with writing the series of cancer prayers. Most asked not to be named. You know who you are. I appreciate your wisdom.

For usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” For notices of new prayers, please subscribe. Connect with To Bend Light on Facebook and on Twitter.

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