This is meditation to prepare for the journey of death, rewritten for use by clergy with those in need. It moves gently to a place for the individual to speak to G-d, where the prayer includes an allusion to the death bed Vidui, the confessional. The prayer closes with a reading in unison, allowing the clergy member to support the individual. It is based on “Near The End: A Meditation,” which appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.
Near the End: A Meditation (Clergy Version)
For use by clergy with an individual near the end of life.
When our days fade,
And our eyes dim,
When darkness settles,
And the veil is lifted…
Remove my fear
My doubt,
My shame.
Remove my hesitation and longings,
So I may go gracefully into
The unknown,
The unknowable,
The secret tomorrow of my soul.
Ancient One,
Foundation and Shelter,
Cradle of life,
You wait for our return.
Holy One,
Companion and Guide
Guardian of spirit,
I confess my weaknesses and mistakes,
My errors of judgment and
My lapses of conscience,
So that I may return to you in joyous surrender.
Source of life
Holy and exalted
You have called us to service on this earth.
You will call us back to You,
As You call all Your children,
To return from this life,
This journey,
This place of sea and sky,
Of happiness and heartbreak.
Let me go in peace.
Let me go in peace.
© 2013 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Other prayers with a similar theme include: “Things Break” and a prayer to be said “Upon Entering Hospice.”
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