This prayer is to be said when losing a job. Adapt it using choices in [brackets]. To listen along, click on the triangle below. The text follows.
Upon Losing Employment
G-d on high,
I stand in the shadow of fear and loss
As my employment comes to an end.
I have no way to see or to know
How my livelihood will be restored
Or my financial obligations fulfilled.
Grant me determination through these difficult times.
Grant me strength and courage to use this moment
As an opportunity to examine my life, my goals and my needs.
Help me find a way to meet my commitments to my
Source of goodness and life,
Watch over me in this challenge.
Protect me from bitterness and resentment.
Open my heart to understanding and forgiveness.
Grant me the patience and energy to persevere.
Blessed are You,
G-d of bounty and grace,
Who provides sustenance of body and spirit
In the hour of need.
© 2010 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Here’s a prayer “For Work,” one said “Upon Gaining Employment” and more about emotions that may come with a job loss: “Doubt,” “Shame,” “Fear” and “Anger.” This is a prayer “Against Worker Exploitation,” one of my prayers for social justice.
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