Posts Tagged ‘healing a pet’


For a Critically-Ill Pet

Posted on: August 9th, 2016 by Alden

pets cat dogMy daughter’s pet cat may be critically-ill. It could be cancer, but the tests aren’t back yet. In thinking about it now, it seems strange that it’s taken me this long to write a prayer for an ill pet. Pets are dear and offer much love and comfort. Optional language appears in [brackets]. Blanks are for the pet’s name and the type of pet. Other choices are shown with a slash (“/”).

For a Critically-Ill Pet
Holy One,
G-d of health and healing,
My beloved __________ (type of pet: dog, cat, etc.)
Is critically-ill.
Bless him/her with a full and speedy recovery.
Relieve her/his suffering.
Remove her/his pain.
Return her/him to health.
Restore her/him to life.

You ______________ (pet’s name) are more than a pet to me/us,
You are a member of my/our family,
Providing [years of] companionship and endless joy,
Laughter and delight
Consolation in times of loss,
And a sense of well-being.

Rock and Redeemer,
Comfort and Shelter,
You know the path ahead.
You know the journey.
You hear our prayers.
Even as I/we pray for ______________ (pet’s name) healing,
I/we pray for all who are ill and who suffer.
Bring Your healing power to all in need,
So that they may know life and health,
Joy and peace.

© 2016 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Two years ago I wrote a prayer for the Passing of a Beloved Pet. Here’s praying that my daughter won’t need it for a long, long time.

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Photo Source: Partners for Healthy Pets

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