Posts Tagged ‘child victims’


Lesser Children

Posted on: December 13th, 2015 by Alden

Lange-MigrantMother02This is a new prayer about social justice and tikun olam, repairing the world. Let us build a sukkat shalom, a tabernacle of peace, over the lesser children” and all of the world. Here’s a link to more prayers for social justice.

Lesser Children
The least of Your children,
G-d of compassion,
Are mirrors of Your face.
The abandoned,
The broken-hearted and rejected,
The persecuted and pursued,
The uneducated and the unwashed,
The tortured and the abused,
The addict and the insane,
Reflect Your light.

The least of Your children,
G-d of secrets,
Are mirrors of Your creation.
The hidden and the unwanted,
The drifter and the locked away,
The lonely and the desolate,
The pauper, the streetwalker, the homeless,
Those who yearn
And those who rail in madness,
Echo Your voice.

Where is mercy?
Where is kindness?
Where is justice?
Where is tikun olam?

The least of Your children,
G-d of righteousness,
Are ours to bless
With the gifts You have given us.
In Your name
We will take to the streets,
We will go out into the country side,
We will serve Your law and Your truth,
By repairing the world.

The least of Your children,
G-d of healing,
Are our sisters and brothers.
Let us build a sukkat shalom,
A tabernacle of peace,
Over all in need.

© 2015 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Postscript: Other prayers for social justice include: “To the Streets,” “Against Worker Exploitation,” “Against Hunger” and “Against Human Trafficking.”

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Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons

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