Remembering our Key West years, where Ami z”l and I were married and Nikki was born, wondering what will survive. In 1984, Richard A. Heyman, z”l, the first openly-gay mayor, whom we worked to help elect, named Nikki “The Conch Republic’s Baby Ambassador to the World.” Bill Huckel, z”l, then-editor of the Solares Hill, published my short stories with illustrations by Ami. Remembering also that Ami was a first responder after Hurricane Andrew. She flew to Florida on the first flight out from Chicago and hitchhiked to Miami to volunteer with the Red Cross, where she worked as an intake coordinator. Here’s a new prayer “As Hurricane Irma Swirls.”
As Hurricane Irma Swirls
God of All,
Watch over everyone in the path of Irma.
We pray for the people of Barbuda, Cuba,
And all the victims of this storm.
Grant them solace, comfort and consolation,
Blessing and renewal.
May a world of justice, righteousness and mercy
Come swiftly to their aid.
We pray for the people of Florida
Grant them safety as the tempest
Engulfs their homes and their lives.
Protect them. Shield them. Guard them.
God of All,
Grant peace of mind to those in fear.
Grant food and clothing,
Warmth and shelter to those in need.
Bless emergency and rescue workers with the resources they need
As they risk their lives for the sake of our families, communities and friends.
Grant healing to those who are sick or injured.
Bless us with common sense throughout the squall,
And with kinship and cooperation when the storm passes.
G-d of awe and wonder,
Our Rock and our Refuge,
See us through the gale
And watch over us through the night.
See us through the aftermath,
And watch over us in the days ahead.
Blessed are You, our Rock and our Shelter.
© 2017 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Here’s a prayer for “Safety during a Hurricane” and one “For Houston.”
Please check out my ELItalk video, “Falling in Love with Prayer,” and This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day. For reprint permissions and usage guidelines and reprint permissions, see “Share the Prayer!” To receive my latest prayers via email, please subscribe (on the home page). You can also connect on Facebook and Twitter.
Photo Source: WikiMedia Commons
Tags: Carribean storm, Gulf Coast hurricane prayer, hurricane prayer, storm