This is a prayer to be said before going to sleep. This piece appears in This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day from CCAR Press. Here’s a related prayer for those who suffer from insomnia.
Prayer before Sleep
Watch over my sleep.
Grant me a night of rest and renewal,
And spread Your loving shelter
Over my family and friends,
My [wife/husband/partner/child(ren)/mother/father]
And all who are dear to me.
Keep us safe through the night
And stay present when the morning comes.
This night I’m keenly aware of those in special need of Your care.
Ancient One,
Ease my mind,
Soothe my heart,
Rejuvenate my body,
Restore my strength,
Revive my faith,
So that when I open my eyes
To the new day
I see beauty in Your creation
And marvel in all Your works.
Then, I will rise up
In service to Torah and mitzvot,
In service to Your will,
A testimony to Your Holy Name.
© 2017 CCAR Press from This Grateful Heart: Psalms and Prayers for a New Day
Postscript: Other “quick prayers” include: “Quick Meditation for Today,” “Quick Meditation at Noon,” “Your Name: Quick Prayer at Dusk,” “Quick Meditation at Night” and “Quick Prayer for Healing.”
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Photo Source: Wilkimedia Commons, Flaming June, by Frederic Lord Leighton (1830-1896)
Tags: bedtime prayer, health, prayers at night, protection at night, safety, security, serenity, sleep prayer, well being