This is a new meditation on seeking G-d’s guidance, wisdom and compassion, written for Rosh Hashana 5773 which begins at sundown Sunday. The prayer reflects the major themes of the season – prayer, righteousness and charity – and makes allusion to a central metaphor of the High Holidays, G-d as sovereign balancing justice with mercy.
Join Me
Come with me today
G-d of Old
Join me on this journey
Lead me in my thoughts
Lead me in my words
Lead me in my deeds
Guide me to strength and purpose
To vision and insight
To gentleness and love
Come with me today
G-d of our mothers
G-d of our fathers
Show me the path
To wisdom and holiness
Lead me in my heart
Lead me in my breath
Lead me in my being
Restore me to Torah and mitzvot
To righteousness and charity
To justice and mercy
A life of blessings
Abundant in grace
Overflowing with beauty
Hands of healing
Eyes of love
A soul of peace
In service to You
Enthroned in my spirit
G-d of Israel,
We return to You
With humility
Our Rock, Our Shield
Our Comfort, Our Guide
Our journey home
© 2012 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Click here for the full list of prayers for the Yamim Noraim. Here’s a focused list of prayers for Elul, another one of prayers for Rosh Hashana, a list of prayers for Yom Kippur and one more for Sukkot. And here’s a link to yizkor and memorial prayers.
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Tags: confession, Elul, faith, healing, High Holy Days, hope, renewal, Rosh Hashana, spirit, Yamim Noraim, Yom Kippur