Every moment is another opportunity to teach and to serve, to summon holiness and love into the world. This appears in my book, Jewish Prayers of Hope and Healing.
This Moment
How did I arrive in this place?
This joy and wonder.
This grief and loss.
This hour. This moment. This life.
Choices. Events. G-d.
My decisions. The decisions of others.
The hand of our Creator.
Holy One,
Help me to see that I am exactly
Where I need to be
To learn and to serve,
To be and to become,
To live as an instrument of healing and love,
Charity and forgiveness,
Kindness and grace.
How did I arrive in this moment?
How did I get this blessing,
This gift,
To be exactly where I can learn and serve
In G-d’s Holy Name?
© 2012 Alden Solovy and www.tobendlight.com. All rights reserved.
Postscript: Here are more prayers with a similar theme: “Being Present,” “Leaving” and “Small Moments.”
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Photo Source: Alden Solovy (in the Grand Canyon)
Tags: arriving, awe, healing and love, hope, moments, prayers of the heart, renewal, service to God, spiritual journies