This is a prayer about love, not for love. The hope inside this prayer is remember how to love. Good for any season, it also fits for the first week of Counting the Omer, Chesed: love, lovingkindness, benevolence. I read it on the first day of the Omer when the focus is on the love aspect of love.
For An Open Heart
G-d, give me an open heart,
A generous heart,
A humble heart.
Give me a heart so free,
So fearless,
That I offer love without requirement,
To love as You love,
Holding my beloved precious,
Loving her/him in this moment exactly as she/he is,
Praying that she/he follows her/his true path
Regardless of where it takes her/him.
Give me a heart gentle and willing to love her/him
As she/he would beloved, with honor and respect,
Kindness and humor,
Joy and friendship.
Give me a love so pure and vast,
So simple and strong,
That it cherishes the love and the loving,
Asking nothing in return.
© 2010 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.
Postscript: Here are two more prayers about love, “Let Love” and “Blessing for a Spouse/Partner.”
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Image Source: Unity Healing Temple
Tags: gifts, hope, letting love in, love, prayer to love others as yourself, prayers of heart, prayers of the heart, rejoicing in love, to love as God loves